Welcome to My Home Page
This is the first time that I am trying to make a site,it`s a simple site but it works !!~.
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You might wonder why do my friends call me Ma|DeN ...
The answer is obvious ..... I am a big crazy fan of IRON MAIDEN !!!!
I was 13 years old when i first listened to one of their albums 'Somewhere in time' and from that moment I became a big fan of this band.
I listen to many types of music like; metal, black, death, grind and all of this kind of music!!~.
I also support the maltese music scene of metal, as it is important to support your local bands.
Music is very important! It makes me feel better in my way of life!!~.
I also had a melodic death band, called "OBSCURITAS AETERNUS". I played the bass Guitar and sometimes I growled some fuck`n words for backing vocals.(You can see the biography of my ex-band in ;OBSCURITAS AETERNUS).
Now i am in another band called MARTYRIUM, you can see Martyrium gig page for pics!
And You can also go to the official homepage of MartYrium :

They do say that while God looks after the righteous, the Devil has a|| the best tunes.
Whether that`s true or not, the devil most certainly had all the best Street Fighters....(My P0SSeSeD B|kE gsxr-750)
Rebel Riders R.R.B
I am in a motorcycle club as well that is called Rebel riders Brotherhood!
We are always organizing many events! One of the biggest event is the charity ride. We ride around this island and stop in many types of bars to drink (some) booze & Munchies!!~Finally we stop in a nightclub to continue buzzing with some live rock bands!!
On the 6th and 7th September 2002 we orginized the first bike rally in malta (@ Hal Far) for bikers, that was called : REBEL BASH! It was a great Event!(mini motos racing, bike stunts, mud wresling, arm wresling, wet t-shirt competition, games and many metal bands). Those who came..... knows what i`m sayin ~
A motorbike gives you friends,buzz and gives you fee|ing ;)
Y0U ARE No`~
^^^^This photo has taken by Manny Cefai.
10x manny for your help!!